We are happy to announce that the management system of #AdvancedWatertek has been approved by LRQA to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. This renewal of our certification follows a thorough audit of our policies & procedures and is a recognition to our commitment to #Quality.

The certification scope includes Design, Manufacture, Testing, Installation and Commissioning of Water Treatment Systems including Reverse Osmosis, Desalination Systems, Filtration Systems, Disinfection Systems and Water Re-use and Recycling Systems; Reconditioning & Maintenance of Water Treatment Systems; Supply of Associated Components, Consumables and Chemicals; and Associated Technical Support, Service & Repair.

#LRQA is a leading provider of classification and compliance services to the marine and offshore industries, that helps clients design, construct and operate their assets to the highest levels of safety and environmental compliance.

Thank you Hari Chittiyath and Mansoor Khan for being pivot points for the certification.